Child Testimony in Indian evidence act, 1872

Can a child be a witness in court? Its a big question. In Indian evidence act define all the conditions about the witness like who can be a witness? Who can be allowed to testimony in court etc.In this study we would see the answer of some question
Who is a witness:- A witness is someone who is present at the time of crime and gives testimony before the court about the crime or any accident. He gives the evidence to the court about the crime and tells about what was actually happened that time.
Who is competent for witness:- This states in section 118 of Indian evidence act 1872. It states "All persons shall be competent to testify unless the court considers that they are prevented from understanding the questions put to them, or from giving rational answers to those questions, by tender years, extreme old age, disease whether of body or mind or any other cause of the same kind."
So according to this definition a person who can understand the questions, what he ask to him can be testify in court. In this the person could be anyone like adult, child, man, woman etc. He has to give the rational answers to the question. A lunatic is also capable of giving the testify, unless he is not understanding the question properly and not gives the answer properly .
Child witness
A child can be a witness in a case except he is in the age of his tender year. If a child is able to understand the question under can give the answer properly in front of court. His testimony would be admissible in court. In india today child in the age of 7 8 years they can understand most of the situations. So the witness of a child is admissible.
The problem is arise in the credibility of child witness. Court has to take more prudence while taking the witness of child because child has more imaginative power than adult. They easily believe on any situation which is told to them. Before taking any decision judge or magistrate should ensure that child is proper understand the question. He is not making any imagination story.
Child witness case :
State of Maharashtra vs Bharat Farikha Dhiwar
In this case deceased child Nisha dead body is found in the field of sugarcane,There is two child witness who said that they saw deceased with the accused at the canal after some time accused comes and there was a blood stain on his shirt and he had a bag on his shoulder on which the blood dropping . Witness of child be found truthful by trial court but high court disagree with this decision. But supreme court held that there is no reason is sufficient given by high court to discarding the evidence of two child witnesses. Apex court said it is immaterial that shirt is not found, on this basis witness could not be discard. It was quite possible that the accused hide the shirt.
It was held that It is desirable that the judge and the magistrate should always record their opinion that the child understands the truth and courts should also state as to why they think that the witness understand the duty of speaking the truth. An omission to administer oath even to an adult goes only to credibility of witness not on the competency.
Before check the credibility court also check that child is capable of giving the answer. For this court has to work with prudence. This procedure from which the capacity of a child witness is seen is called Voir- Dire test. In this procedure court ask some simple question to child like where he live, where he study, In which class he study, who many brother and sister you have etc. If the child is giving answer properly of these question than court comes on a conclusion that the witness is capable of giving the witness.
Court also examine that the child is not tortured. Child can be easily tortured by assailant and threat by him. To avoid it child should be put in a proper take care and safe environment. There should not be lengthy process of court so that witness need not be come again and again because it can create a mental pressure on the child mind.
Corroboration of testimony:- Section 114 of Indian evidence act demand for corroboration. To see the reliability of evidence there should be some additional evidence to get on a conclusion. Court can not fully relied on the child witness.There should be careful scrutiny of evidence before come to the conclusion. Because a child mind can be easily molded and they have a very good imaginative power. Cross examination and ask some other related question could help the court to find the conclusion that child in understanding the question and gives a proper answer.
There is child witness case
Nivrutti pandurang kokate vs State of maharashtra
In this case wife(appellant 1) of deceased had a extra marital affair with other person(appellant 2and3). In this case witness of deceased's 12 year old daughter was admissible. She told about the estranged relationship between her mother and father. She stated that her father used to sleep alone in a hut and eat in his brother house. On the day of murder her mother washed the blood of her father with bucket and spread a shawl on tiles. The appellants put the dead body in the shawl and put gunny bag on the dead body and lifted it by holding the shawl. They carried the body to the field, buried it and returned home. Then her mother lock the hut where the deceased killed and she went near her brother who continued to sleep through the incident and slept. Court held that this evidence is reliable. It was neither embellished nor embroidered. Such type of evidence should be considered with close scrutiny.
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